It has been nearly 7 months since we left UK. Mummy has finished her PhD. We were very excited because we have a Dr. now in the family. Maybe now if we have something in our eyes, Mummy could look at it. haha! :) With all the things going around, daddy could only get something written just tonight.
Hariz has been going to his new school in Putrajaya and met new friends. You have lost the english accent and adopting manglish(thanks to kak bebeh...whom you cannot live without nowadays).
Its daddy's turn to get his hand on a PhD and has been start pursuing it for 3 weeks now. Hariz at first couldn't understand why Daddy can't pick you up from school as usual on Thursday noon because Daddy need to attend lectures and had to ask Pak Lang to pick you up instead. You as usual when you are frustrated you'll say "You are always like this Daddy...". I had to explain to you that I'm doing my PhD now, and I need to attend lectures. When daddy become a Dr. just like Mummy, Daddy could buy you more toys. And then you'll smile and laugh.
Daddy worries a bit about you developing the habit of hitting other people. Yes I know I admit I was the one who taught you how to punch correctly. But the punches are not for mummy, daddy or kak bebeh! You're being stubborn and daddy shouted a lot at you because of this behaviour. Daddy found it hard not to shout at you because you won't stop doing it when repeatedly asked not to. Mummy even said you have a heart of a brick because no matter how many times we told you not to behave badly like that you'll respond by shouting and hitting people even more. When Daddy shouted at you, you'll eventually cry so hard and couldn't be comforted and a lot of time you'll get hysterical.
But sometimes you'll say sorry almost as you want to avoid making a scene! That's what I don't understand. You could easily say sorry but a lot of time you choose to be naughty. :)
Besides that, you have the usual 'dont want to eat it...dont like it' problem and then susah nak berak. We gave you some med for worms and vit C and hope you'll eat better because you're so small for 4 1/2 yr old boy.
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