Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hariz dah dapat adik.

Sebenarnya dah 5 bulan lepas dari tarikh post ni, Hariz sudah dapat adik lelaki, Hazim. Daddy rasa Hazim pun mesti ada satu blog khas untuknya. Tapi daddy tak dapat cari masa. Nanti daddy tanya mummy kalau dia nak tolong daddy jump start.

Hariz pula dah darjah 1( 5 bulan lepas ). 2 3 malam lepas daddy jadi cikgu tolong ajar tauhid, fekah, akhlak dll untuk exam pertengahan tahun darjah 1 sekolah agama desaputra. Kerja last minute nih sbb sebelum2 ni daddy jarang buat revision with you, selalu mummy je yg ajarkan.

One of the nights, you had to memorize surah Al-Falaq. Ini kerja berat sebab besoknya Ustaz nak you baca. In 2 hours before going to sleep you managed to do it. Tapi you dah mengantuk sangat, sampai you tak boleh focus. I kept pushing you until I raised my voice but you dah start tak ingat apa you dah pun hafal so I stopped the drill. So now I know how you do when you are pushed to your limit. You are still a kid and to me memorizing a surah in 2 hours time while still not being able to read jawi smoothly I consider it a very good job on your part.I also felt guilty because I didn't try to help you earlier with your school work. This going to change next semester.

The plan is then to train you to read jawi until you're really good at it.

I enjoy helping you revising your school work. It's because you try really hard to meet my expectations patiently. I'm very proud of you.

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